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Saturday, June 10, 2006

a little something..

I love about Praha.
Walking to the grocery store. Riding the subway. Walking to restaurants. Having a corner store. Big City. Dumplings. Hardly doing homework. Bohemia Bagel. The restaurant on the corner. Cheap. Cheap Beer. Boat Parties. Drinking games. Club in the basement. Charles Bridge. I believe its a never ending city. Art homework. Drinking beer on the subway. Cute dogs. Barely using an alarm clock. Sleeping. Alot. Always having a designated driver - trams. Czech surprises (gotta love 'em). Cuba Libres (rum and coke and lime). Tourists. Cute little kids. Making toast on the stove top. Watercoloring. H&M. Getting packages. Visitors. Goulash. Cola Light. Zara. Kebab stands (a great thing about all of europe). Old Town Square. Feeling accomplished simply by communicating with a Czech person. Sandwiches in the architecture building. Sculpture teacher that looks like a Harry Potter character. Dance parties.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We all love Mackenzie. Her great smile. Her great sense of humor. Her confidence in herself. Her get it done attitude. Shopping with her mom. Her great chocolate chip cookies.
Can't wait to seeya.
Loveya, Mom