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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

1 year, 1 day

I meant to write a little something yesterday. Yesterday was a year since I left for my big study abroad experience. I left with Luke from Wichita and flew to London. We then made our way to Oxford for a very jetlagged tour, then we ended up at the house of Luke's friends, who were so amazing.
And from there, so much more for 5 months.

The students going to Prague this year haven't quite left yet. We left about a week early so we could go to England, but the ones I have talked to are going straight to Prague, so I think they leave in just a couple days.
What a great experience and I've been looking through some of my pictures just remembering what it was like to be there. It would be awesome to be able to go back for a visit soon. Too bad flights aren't as cheap to Prague from the US as they are from England!

Okay, well here are a few pics of my first days in England and Prague.

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