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Monday, June 23, 2008

another vet visit...

Well, Mia developed quite an ear infection this weekend. Saturday I got back from my soccer games and she was shaking her head like crazy. I got a glimpse of the inside of her ear and it was all red. A lady at the pool in my complex said to mix together alcohol, vinegar and water to put on it. I did that Saturday and Sunday, but felt I really should talk to the vet, so we went in today. One ear looks fine and the other looks bad. They looked in the good ear first and saw there was a foxtail...

So the doc thinks there might be one in the bad ear and that's what started it. I guess this happens out in Denver - with the dry weather these little seeds fly around more and make their way in dogs ears.. or other places she mentioned she'd pull them from.

So... Mia is still at the vet. They are giving her a little sedative so they can pull it out.. and all I can think of is 'how much is this going to cost!?'

They're going to call me when they're all done with her, which seems like it should be soon. When I go in to get her, I am going to ask them if they have any pet insurance advice, because I think I'm going to get some.

1 comment:

CC said...

Oh owww...poor Mia! And your poor bank account. I've heard of quite a few people getting pet insurance, you should def look in to it.