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Monday, January 19, 2009


The weekend consisted of many of the things it was supposed to consist of. Shopping was done, money was spent (yes, too much). I did a couple drawings that I think turned out pretty well... so far. Hopefully I will actually complete a project I have in mind.

There was one surprise this weekend, though. The dog decided to sneak into my Target shopping bag and grab my new pack Trident gum. I didn't see this until about 20 minutes later and saw a couple pieces of gum and shreds of paper. Trident is sugar free and contains something called Xylitol. Xylitol is what makes gum like Trident good for your teeth, but is REALLY bad for dogs. It doesn't take much for it to be toxic to them. So I called the Vet Hospital and they told me to bring her in. This was at about 7:00 on Saturday night, the night that I had plans to hang out with the friends I haven't hung out with in forever! So, off to the vet hospital. It didn't end up taking too long.. 30-45 minutes probably. They had to give her something to make her throw up everything she had eaten. Since it wasn't too long ago, it hadn't digested, so that was good. They checked some things and then brought her out.

I was expecting the bill to be a little more ridiculous - it wasn't all that bad. I have pet insurance, so will hopefully get it reimbursed. I haven't used the insurance yet, so we will see how it all works out.

I stayed home with the pup the rest of the night to make sure she was all fine.

I had the house all to myself and it was glorious. The weather was absolutely beautiful this weekend, too. Sunday morning, the dog and I went on a ridiculously long run/walk. I was exhausted afterward. I wanted to go to a certain area to check out for future move possibilities. The walk there wasn't bad, but the walk back felt REAL long. I'm just not in shape for that right now!

I'm a little addicted to Craigslist, but it is too early to be looking for a place for April/May. There was one available in March that is pretty much perfect.. but that's just a little too early. Hopefully some perfect ones will come along when the time is right. I think I need to forbid myself from looking on there right now though.

1 comment:

Alli said...

I am glad Mia is okay!