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Friday, April 10, 2009


1 down, 1 to go.

Last weekend, I had a blast in Baltimore visiting Laura. We took a little day trip to DC, which was very fun. I had never been to Baltimore or DC. I barely put a dent in DC, so there will definitely need to be another trip out there. It was really fun to see Laura's apartment, office and meet her friends and coworkers, because I've heard so much about all of them!

Then, I have had a pretty busy week as well. Work has been very busy this week and my evenings have also been busy. Now, at the end of the week, I'm heading straight for the second trip. Oklahoma City for Easter. I'm getting together with 80 of my relatives. No joke! It's going to be a full house! Hopefully the weather is nice so we can spread out outside.

I'm looking forward to it. Lots of Lebanese food when you get together with that many Lebanese relatives! Yum!

This also means boarding Mia for 2 weekends in a row. Not so fun.

These two trips are definitely making April fly by. When I get back, the month will be almost half over. This means, my move is that much closer! I may start trying to do a little packing next week... maybe. In reality, that will take place on a weekend I guess.

I ended up ordering that furniture from Target. Well, actually, I ended up getting the table and a coffee table. The desk will have to wait for now. The coffee table was cheaper. The desk could possibly go on sale a little more at some point, I'd think. The coffee table is pretty plain, so I'm deciding if I should try to do something fun with it. I guess I will be checking Design Sponge to see if it sparks any more ideas for me! Awhile ago I posted this , so maybe I will take something from that idea.. we shall see. I don't want to ruin it trying to do something!

Other than all that stuff, I've just been trying to keep up with life! There's so much going on. With Spring here and summer around the corner, all kinds of opportunities are around! Lots of concerts I want to go to. I need a side job to support all these concerts.

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