So, we finally have internet in our rooms now! But the dark computer screen is still making things difficult. I would be posting more pictures, but they're really hard for me to see on here, but I'm going to try.
They've been keeping us pretty busy this week with meetings and all kinds of things. We have had to make so many different i.d.'s. They told us to bring a bunch of passport size pictures and we've definitely needed a good amount so far. We finally got a 3 month pass for the subways, so I don't have to pay every time I use it, which is a lot.
A big thing we had to get done this week was go to the police station. When we received our visa's a while ago they told us to go the police station within 3 days of arriving in Prague and register our visa's since we are staying in Prague for a long period of time. We really had no idea what we would have to do at the police station. Most of the international students here don't have to go because they're in the European Union, but those of us not in it have to go. So yesterday around noon a group of us went with 3 czech buddies (not mine of course because he is kind of worthless). This place was packed with people! There were too many people and we were told to come back tomorrow.
Today we made our way to the police station at 6:45 in the morning because that's the only way you can do it without waiting longer than 3 hours. It's kind of a long story, but it ended up that 5 of us were at the police station without a czech buddy. We had to wait 2 hours before we could talk to anyone. We were definitely freaking out because we don't know how to speak czech and we had no idea what we were going to have to do when it was our turn and we had no idea if these people could speak any english! I don't know the last time I was that nervous. As we were waiting though, we heard an American woman talking and speaking ENGLISH! So we went to talk to her and it turns out she had her passport stolen and there was a czech student there with her to translate for her. They finished right before we went in and he came in with us to help out.
It felt good to finally get that out of the way! It was quite the experience, by my 'crazy czech experiences' weren't quite done yet for the day... We had to meet all the architecture students at this building on campus so we could register for classes. We arrived a little early since we came straight fromt he police station. So I took a trip to the restroom. Well, then I tried to leave the restroom, but found the door to be locked!! there was nothing to unlock either. There was a key hole and I definitely don't have the key to the door. So I just kept trying for a minute in disbelief that I was actually locked in a bathroom. Luckily, some friends were waiting on me and noticed the door handle jiggling. So they came over and tried to open the door and it still didn't work! They went in search of someone who had a key, but it's difficult to explain to people who know little english that their friend is locked in the bathroom and they need a key. But finally! they found a person with a key and I was let out. haha. I couldn't help but share the experience with everybody because it was definitely a first.
Anyways, this is really long! Other than today we did some shopping this weekend for essentials at Tesco - the closest thing to a walmart. We did a lot of exploring and found a couple of the big tourist areas of Prague that were really cool - the Charles Bridge and the Astronomical Clock among some things. We're taking it slow on seeing all the sites. I think we're getting a Prague tour this week. There's a pub and a club in the basement of our dorm so we went there this weekend too. Last night the International Student Club rented out a club and all the international students went and had a party. So we've gotten to know a lot of the other students. Laura and I are really enjoying our flatmates who are from England. The rest of the week there are a lot of trips schedule for us! Well, I've got to end this!
Laura and I with one of the awesome Czech buddies, Thomas.

And thanks so much for leaving me some comments! :)
Nice blog!
Hope you enjoy Praha, I love it!
Karlovy Bari is a nice and different place to go, think about it!
Have a nice trip!
A venezuelan girl, living in spain :)
Mackenzie, what an hilarious story. What a great Czech republic moment.
Loveya Mackenzie,
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