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Friday, June 20, 2008


Goals are important, right? Well.. my goal for the summer is to look like this...

Two of the greatest moments (okay, I'm exaggerating) of my life were when random strangers - guys at that - told me

First time: 'You probably get this a lot, but you look like Eva Longoria'

Second time (in the ritzy cherry creek area none the less) by a gay/metro sexual man: 'do you know who you like?! I just had to look 3 times to see if you were her.. who do you think it is? come on.. okay.. I totally thought you were Eva Longoria. You look just like her'.. yadda yadda..

So.. clearly I am no spitting image.. haha.. but I'll take what I can get..
So I am working on closing the gap..

1 comment:

CC said...

Lol, Mack I'm cracking up....I would like to look like Jennifer Anisten actually. But come to think of it, you sort of look like Eva Longoria.

I'm definitely thinking about moving to Denver. I do LOVE Denver!!

ps, love the new blog header.