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Monday, July 28, 2008

I lied

I totally lied! I'm getting nervous for this 1/2 marathon!

Well, I wouldn't be so nervous, except my run yesterday turned out to be pretty worthless. I had a soccer game Saturday and that left me more sore and more worn out than I thought it would. So the legs were sore from that yesterday and I decided to run at noon, when it was 90 degrees outside. I did not last long. I didn't want to push myself and make myself feel totally awful, so I had to run/walk for some of it. Not cool at all. If I would have gotten an 8 mile in like planned, I would feel better. Now I'm going to try to get a long one in after work, which it just never seems to feel as good when I go after work. Mornings have been awesome for me to run in, but I really just want to get this run in and don't want to put it off until the morning.

Other than the failed run, the weekend went pretty well. It was relaxing. I didn't do a whole lot. Had a relaxing happy hour on Friday for a few hours after work. I love happy hour on Friday!

I saw Batman on Saturday night and it was really good! I didn't know how I'd feel about it and at one point in the movie I got a little sick of all the crazy action going on. We were also in the third row at the IMAX so it was CLOSE to say the least. The movie started and the sound was off on timing- you heard what was happing before it happened and it was so confusing! I didn't realize that was what was happening for awhile.. I just thought I was confused....but alas everyone started booing and they turned off the movie. Employees came down as we were waiting - to explain how they had to fix it and how it would take 10 to 15 minutes, then another guy to say it'd be on in a minute. The crowd was really lively and funny. Each time someone came to tell us what was going on, the crowd cheered when they were done. One guy would yell 'FREE NACHOS!'. It was pretty entertaining.

The 10:20 show was sold out and then there was a 1:20am show after us. Crazy! It's not opening weekend, but it was still crazy.

In puppy dog news, we've started leaving Mia out for an hour or two at a time if we're all going to be gone. She handles it fine.. we could probably leave her out longer, but we'll get to that at some point. She loves looking out the window. loves it. We have a chair set up by the dining room window, so she can look out and when we're gone it seems like she just sits at the window most of the time. It's so so cute, when I get home and her little head is sitting in the window, waiting. It always takes her minute to see if it's me walking up to the door, so I always wave and when she figures it out she jumps down and waits for me to open the door. SO cute.

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